Monday, October 4, 2010

Flash as sunlight

In today's world of bazillion wedding photographers, it really seems that if you have a style that stands out, you are more likely to attract business. Many photographers have grasped the low depth of field that makes their subjects stand out. But what about using light to make your subject stand out. So I have been studying this photographer's images and tried to recreate his style. For me, it's a challenge that extends my abilities, like going to a restaurant, finding something you like, and then trying to recreate it at home from scratch.

So, how were these images captured? The highlights that you see are not from the sun, but from a flash a couple of feet above the subject. So, I underexposed the image by about 2 stops (change the EV on your camera to -2) and then put the flash on TTL (auto) +1 stop. Then take the image into adobe bridge and give a little more exposure to your subject. If I have time later, I will put this in detail as a tutorial. Give it a try.

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From 20101003_to_post
Grouchy face  mommy :)
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From 20101003_to_post