Thursday, January 10, 2013

Computer history

The Computers we have owned: Just for the record This was my first Mac - although I had worked with the Apple IIc and IIe the summer before. Owned Powerbook for 4 months, then sold, and purchased Performa 605 (used) This was my first computer after I was married This one replaced our iMac DV and didn't last as long as I had hoped it would Owned MacBook for 1 week. Sold it for what I bought it for and then went with my current desktop iMac We also have owned 1 white ipod 10Gig, 1 ipod nano 1Gig, 1 ipod shuffle 4Gig, 1 ipod nane 8Gig (from recalled 1Gig), 2 ipod Touch 2nd Gen, 2 ipod Touch 4th Gen, and 1 ipad Retina. We have also bought a Mini10v Netbook and a Dell tower i5

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